The director of the University Research Institute of Aging, Mª Trinidad Herrero, has collected in Águilas the award corresponding to the modality of Research granted to said Institute by the Association for Residences of Railway Pensioners (ARPF), within the II Edition of the awards EON delivered in Águilas on February 24.
The University Institute of Research in Aging is an Official Center of the University of Murcia dedicated primarily to Scientific Research (with a high level of specialization) on any aspect related to aging.
The College of Psychologists of the Region of Murcia, has also been awarded in the Research modality.
The rest of the winners were the following: in the media, for the newspaper "La Opinión";
the program the "Golden Age" of Regional Wave and "Murcia en vivo" of 7RM.
Individual awards: Juan Alfonso de Celestino, director of "Salud 21";
Miguel Massotti, from Onda Regional and Eva Llovell from "Murcia Conecta" from 7RM.
In the modality "All one life" it has been for Dolores Muñoz Esteban and Carlos Abellán Ruiz.
The event was directed by Miguel Massotti and Nazaret Navarro.
Source: Universidad de Murcia