They belong to intermediate tables from Siemens, BMW, Mercedes, Adecco, Audi or E · ON and take a Master's Degree at the prestigious Fachhochschule für Oekonomie & Management (FOM) university, which they complete with a formative period at the Campus of the Catholic University of Murcia
For three months, thirty students from the German university Fachhochschule für Oekonomie & Management (FOM) will be trained in economics and finance in the Study Abroad Program of the Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia.
Siemens, BMW, Mercedes, Adecco, Audi or E · ON are some of the companies that belong to these intermediate professionals who are doing a master's degree in FOM, and five modules of this postgraduate course are developed by the Murcian institution.
This is the seventh edition of this program, which has been an average of sixty students per edition.
The students will receive their training with classes in English, which will be taught by professors from Germany, as well as by professors from the University of Murcia.
This collaboration is possible thanks to the agreement signed by both institutions more than fifteen years ago, which has allowed the development of this program, along with others such as language courses, in addition to the Doctoral School.
Pablo Blesa, vice chancellor of International Relations and Communication of the UCAM, spoke at the welcoming ceremony;
Burghard Hermeier, rector of the FOM, and Gonzalo Wandosell, dean of the Faculty of Legal Sciences and of the Company of the Catholic.
Also present were Mercedes Carmona, Vice Dean of the Degree in ADE and coordinator of the program from the UCAM;
Clemens Jäger, coordinator from the FOM, and Sara Monrreal, from the International Office of the German university, among others.
Burghard Hermeier, highlighted "the stupendous growth" that UCAM has experienced in the last 20 years, and recalled the numerous actions developed by both universities.
For his part, Pablo Blesa said that "there are around 1,500 students who have completed their studies at the UCAM through FOM programs with which they can internationalize their curriculum."
Source: UCAM