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Ana Belén Campillo and José Miguel Rojo will moderate the rectoral debate (15/02/2018)

The event organized by the Debate Club UM in collaboration with the Vice-rector for Communication will take place on February 19, Monday, at 5:30 p.m. in the Auditorium

A new, dynamic and academic debate format, that is the will of the Club Debate UM and for this they have had Ana Belén Campillo Ortega, Professor at the University of Murcia within the Area of ​​Political Science and Director of Publications of ALICE Asociación Latinoamericana of Investigators in Electoral Campaigns and with José Miguel Rojo Martínez, university student of the house, current Secretary of the Debate Club and instructor in argumentation and oratory.

The debate will have an introduction (2 minutes per candidate), 5 thematic blocks ranging from a retrospective analysis of the situation to students, organizational structure and associations, through PAS and Economic Management, University and Society and PDI + research.

Likewise, an email address has been enabled to ask direct questions to candidates: debaterectoral2018@gmail.com.

This meeting will be the first major appointment of an electoral campaign that was inaugurated this Tuesday, February 13 and will arrive until March 2.

Source: Agencias

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