The orange formation warns the Government of José Ballesta that, one more year, continues to violate current legislation regarding dates and deadlines for the submission of municipal accounts
The spokesman for Citizens, Mario Gomez, today called on the local PP to "provide us with the draft budget for 2018 because we are already at the end of January and the time is cast over".
"They can not continue blocking the municipal accounts because those who harm the most are the residents of Murcia, as always," said Gomez, who reminded José Ballesta that "one of his responsibilities as mayor is to present a municipal budget in time and form and adjusted to the needs that Murcia consider priority. "
"Today is the end of January and it is time to talk about specific dates and budget lines, aimed at covering neighborhood needs and guaranteeing the quality of public services," said the Cs spokesperson.
In this sense, he has insisted again on the "need to address, with courage, the issue of public transport in the municipality that," according to Gómez, "has not experienced even the slightest improvement in these years of mandate."
"For Cs", he stressed, "it is essential to face once and for all basic issues such as the unification of fares, bonuses in public transport, as well as the implementation of the owl-bus and implementation of an ambitious network of parking deterrents."
Other issues of great relevance for orange training are the elaboration of an effective plan of investments in districts and that the Municipal Boards are provided with enough technicians and personnel to advance in a true decentralization for the benefit of the neighbors;
as well as a new drop in water in the second half of 2018;
and the elimination of the water table discharge rate that affects a significant number of citizens and that "in Ciudadanos", Gómez said, "we consider it totally unfair".
"We will also demand the local government," he continued, "a strong commitment to achieve, in the first place, a call for oppositions of the Local Police that guarantees the principles of concurrence, which would lead to the modification of the bases of the current convocation. ;
and second, the rest of the public offer of employment ".
Likewise, Gómez has highlighted, among other priorities, the importance of reactivating local commerce through a powerful dynamisation and promotion plan;
and has insisted on the need to acquire a commitment from the local PP in terms of strict compliance with current legislation that, at this time, continues to be violated.
Source: Ciudadanos Murcia