Juan Vicente Larrosa: "Walking by kicking the oranges or stepping on them with the car every time you enter or leave the house is giving rise to the neighbors themselves, with a ladder and carrycot, who are in charge of more than one district of download the trees "
The Municipal Socialist Group has denounced again on Tuesday the abandonment to which the government of the PP submits to the districts in relation to "care and maintenance of the most central streets."
On this occasion, the PSOE councilor, Juan Vicente Larrosa, criticized that the mayor of the PP, José Guillén, "publicly presumes the pruning of the orange trees in the Plaza de San Juan while the suburbs and districts have a sorry appearance , with sidewalks and verges full of crushed oranges ".
"Weeks ago we began to see how the oranges were collected in the vicinity of the Segura River, since then we have seen how the pruning has continued advancing through the center of the city but has not reached the districts, whose streets are flooded -literally- of pieces of broken fruit, crushed and in the process of putrefaction ", explained Larrosa, who lamented that" once again, be the neighbors of the districts harmed by this form of governing the PP, distinguishing Murcia and murcianas between first and second neighbors ".
In this sense, the councilor of the Socialist Group has indicated that, in recent days, some residents and neighbors of districts have been seen with ladders and carryons, picking themselves oranges in their streets.
"When the oranges arrive at the door of your house without Councilman Guillén is given by alluded to, it only remains to put on the clothes collector and do their work, but Murcia and Murcia do not pay taxes to finish doing what should be doing the town hall, because there are not three or four oranges on the ground, they count to hundreds ".
Larrosa has demanded seriousness from Guillén in the performance of his competitions and has reminded him that "picking the oranges in the surroundings of the hotel that Mr. Pacheco runs (Plaza San Juan) is very good, but there are many other streets and parks that must also be be clean and collected. "
Finally, the Socialist councilor has asked the government of Ballesta to ensure also the proper functioning of the cleaning and garbage collection service of the municipality, "since we have seen how dozens of oranges remain on the ground day after day without any operator go pick them up, so they continue to accumulate aggravating the problem.The next thing will be to see the residents of Murcia with the broom and the dustpan cleaning themselves sidewalks and treeholes before the fragrant abandonment of the PP to the districts.
Source: PSOE Murcia