This concert brought together hundreds of people who enjoyed the music of these children who are trained in different instruments in the network of school orchestras of the UCAM.
During the event, the children delighted the audience with musical performances, popular Christmas carols and typical dances from the Christmas season.
Ángel Carrillo, coordinator of the Orchestral Workshops, commented that "the Catholic University of Murcia has invested heavily in the musical education of these children." Several teachers from his symphony orchestra travel weekly to centers that are attached to our network of school orchestras. and they develop musical activities. "
Despite the young age of the students, between 6 and 12 years old, the children showed the fruit of a great work developed during the 1st quarter.
The children who participated in the concert belong to the schools of Jesús María de Alfonso X (Murcia) and El Palmar, María Maroto, Santa María de la Paz of Puente Tocinos, S. Vicente de Paul (El Palmar), San Juan de Murcia , Isabel Bellvís de Corvera, Arteaga de Sucina, Cierva Peñafiel, IES Miguel de Cervantes, Nuestra Señora de la Arrixaca de Murcia, Juan XXIII of Las Lumbreras, El Buen Pastor and the instrumental workshops Discantus.
Source: UCAM