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Murcia City Council collaborates with the Delwende Association in the construction of a nursery school in Mozambique (10/12/2017)

The Department of Youth and Development Cooperation, which directs Rebeca Perez, has granted aid of more than 3,260 euros to the Association Delwende 'At the service of life' for the implementation of the construction project of a nursery school for children from families with scarce resources.

"The school is located in the town of Inhambane, in Mozambique, and is a very important step for disadvantaged families in which the parents work, mainly, in local commerce and can not take care of their children or feed them in a healthy way. and hygienic, "stressed the councilor.

It should be noted that in 1997 the 1st of May Primary School, managed by the local counterpart, opened a Children's School for children between 3 and 6 years old that currently houses 256 boys and girls in very precarious facilities. all in the rainy season.

That is why The Sisters of Consolation have planned the construction of a new "Escolinha" Nursery School for children between 3 and 6 years old improving their reception conditions and equipping them with three classrooms to be able to do two shifts, morning and afternoon , dining room, kitchen and personal hygiene services that were not available in the old location.

256 children between 3 and 6 years old, as well as their families, directly benefit from this institution.

In the Region of Murcia, it has the active collaboration of 19 volunteers, in awareness-raising and education activities for solidarity and who carry out street markets throughout the year;


solidarity meals, snacks and dinners;

information tables;



festivals or recruitment campaigns.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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