The Municipal Socialist Group does not understand that the Municipal Social Services, already saturated by the high number of families without resources as a result of the economic crisis, have to face the payment and processing of the social bonus regulated by the central government of the PP
The Municipal Socialist Group in the City of Murcia will take to the Plenary to celebrate on Thursday of next week a motion defending that Montoro and the electric companies run with the cost of processing the social bonus for families with limited resources that face monthly to the obligation of having to pay the bill for the electric power they consume.
The Royal Decree 897/2017, of October 6, which regulates the figure of the vulnerable consumer, the social bonus and other measures of protection for domestic consumers of electricity, transfers to the social services of the municipalities the processing and the cost of the electricity bill of the families that, as a result of the crisis, can not pay the electricity bill.
The councilor of the PSOE Begoña García Retegui explains: "According to the new regulation, it will prevent power cuts to households that prove the condition of severe vulnerability if social services, whether local or regional, pay the bill" .
"Faced with a situation of default, the electricity companies' actions will be to indicate to their clients that they go to the social services and if they pay 50% of their bills, then the supply will not be cut off," adds the socialist mayor.
Likewise, the Government team will be urged to request the reform of the Royal Decree regulating the figure of the vulnerable consumer, the social bonus and other protection measures for domestic consumers of electricity.
In addition, in order to avoid the cost of protection measures falling on the territorial administrations holding the social services, it will be requested that sufficient funds be included in the General State Budgets to cover the cost of protecting vulnerable consumers.
This budget item would be distributed among the autonomous communities according to the criteria agreed upon by the Territorial Council of Social Services and the System for Autonomy and Care for Dependency.
On the other hand, the government team will be urged to request, through the agreement of the Territorial Council of Social Services and the System for Autonomy and Care for Dependency, a rule that prevents the cutting off of gas supply to vulnerable consumers.
García Retegui recalls that the General State Budgets do not contemplate the impact of the measure and that "the protection systems already existing in some autonomous communities and municipalities have been ignored and ignored", while criticizing that "some circumstances are positively discriminated against, as to large families regardless of their income, while others much more currently punished as single parenthood or loneliness are not taken into account. "
Source: PSOE Murcia