The councilman of Urbanism, Environment and Garden, Antonio Navarro, attended this morning with almost 50 students of the Public School "Our Lady of the Incarnation" of La Raya to the old meander of the river in this hamlet to plant more than 100 resistant elms to the grafiosis, a disease caused by a fungus.
An initiative that is part of the agreement between the City of Murcia and ANSE for the recovery of the peri-urban river corridor since 2014 and that has involved the planting of more than 2,700 trees and shrubs on the banks of the river.
He has also had the collaboration of the Water Commission of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation.
The elms have been donated by the General Directorate of Rural Development and Forest Policy of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment.
The objective of this activity is to replace existing exotic trees with threatened native trees such as elm, a deciduous tree own soil with a certain humidity such as orchards or the vicinity of rivers.
Navarro stressed that "this type of activities with children makes the students of this school aware of the importance of caring for native trees and brings them closer to the reality of the Murcian orchard and our river."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia