Since it was created in 2012, 2.1 million euros have been allocated to this social fund that allows access to drinking water and sanitation to vulnerable people who can not afford to pay the fee.
In six years, more than 46,000 people have accessed this special quota.
The United Nations has selected this social fund, managed by Aguas de Murcia and the Municipal Social Services, as an example of good practices in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.
El fondo social yl
flat rate of water created and managed by the City Council and Aguas de Murcia, which guarantee the drinking water service to people with a lack of resources, have been recognized by the United Nations as an example of good practices in support of Sustainable Development Goals.
, se han destinado 2,1 millones de euros con este fin y se han beneficiado 12.845 familias, que suman un total de 46.614 personas.
Since it was launched in 2012
Los 17 ODS, promulgados en 2015 por 193 países en la ONU, representan una llamada universal a adoptar medidas para acabar con la pobreza, proteger al planeta y garantizar que todas las personas del mundo gocen de paz y prosperidad.
The 17 SDGs, promulgated in 2015 by 193 countries in the UN, represent a universal call to take action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people of the world enjoy peace and prosperity.
Con motivo del segundo aniversario, Global Compact ha solicitado a las redes nacionales la selección de buenas prácticas empresariales que hayan contribuido al avance de la consecución de los ODS.
On the occasion of the second anniversary, Global Compact has requested the national networks the selection of good business practices that have contributed to the progress of the achievement of the SDGs.
This was announced this morning by the councilors of Development and Social Rights, Roque Ortiz and Conchita Ruiz, respectively, who have been accompanied by Juan Cabezas, director of Water Clients of Murcia and Andrés Duarte, head of Social Services of the townhall.
Más de 3.500 familias beneficiadas este año
More than 3,500 families benefited this year
En mayo de 2014 nace la tarifa plana fondo social.
In May 2014, the flat rate social fund was born.
Se trata de una modalidad mixta en la que coexiste una tarifa especial en la propia estructura tarifaria con la limitación de un fondo.
It is a mixed modality in which a special rate in the tariff structure itself coexists with the limitation of a fund.
De esta manera, se establece una solución para las familias en vulnerabilidad económica que pagan 5€ al mes por los conceptos de agua y alcantarillado.
In this way, a solution is established for families in economic vulnerability who pay € 5 a month for the concepts of water and sewage.
La principal característica de esta tarifa es que se trata de un pago muy reducido por estos servicios y adaptado a familias en situación de vulnerabilidad económica, siempre que el consumo de agua por persona y día no supere los 110 litros (la OMS establece para cubrir las principales necesidades de alimentación, higiene, etc., un consumo por habitante y día de 100 litros).
The main characteristic of this rate is that it is a very reduced payment for these services and adapted to families in economic vulnerability, provided that the water consumption per person per day does not exceed 110 liters (WHO establishes to cover the main needs of food, hygiene, etc., per capita consumption per day of 100 liters).
Además, en 2016 se creó una nueva tarifa social, la dirigida a comedores sociales, dando así respuesta a las asociaciones, fundaciones y entidades sin ánimo de lucro que dispensan o atienden servicio de comedor social.
In addition, in 2016 a new social rate was created, aimed at social canteens, thus responding to associations, foundations and non-profit entities that dispense or service social canteen service.
En ese caso, se instauró una tarifa reducida a bloque único, de la que en la actualidad se benefician 12 entidades en Murcia.
In this case, a reduced rate was established for a single block, of which 12 entities in Murcia currently benefit.
Por otra parte, la Tarifa de Pensionistas está implementada desde hace muchos años, y permite que los primeros 15 m3/bimestres estén exentos y automáticamente, también lo está del pago de la tasa de basura.
On the other hand, the Pensioners' Tariff has been implemented for many years, and allows the first 15 m3 / bimesters to be exempt and automatically, it is also paid for the garbage fee.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia