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The Constitutional as guarantor and protector of the fundamental rights of the person (07/11/2017)

"A whole culture of promotion has proliferated in the defense of fundamental rights and freedoms"

The president of the Constitutional Court, Juan José González Rivas, has given the inaugural lesson of the Opening Ceremony of the new course

The Temple of the Monastery of Los Jerónimos has welcomed this morning the Solemn Act of Opening of the course 2017-18 of the Catholic University of Murcia.

Juan José González Rivas, president of the Constitutional Court has given the inaugural lecture, entitled 'The Constitutional Court as guarantor and protector of the fundamental rights of the person'.

At the inaugural table he was accompanied by José Luis Mendoza, president of the UCAM;

Fernando López Miras, president of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia;

Josefina García Lozano, rector of the University;

Juan Hernández, Employment, Universities and Business Advisor of the CARM;

Rosa Peñalver, president of the Regional Assembly;

José Manuel Lorca Planes, Bishop of the Diocese of Cartagena;

Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, archbishop of Valencia;

For the magistrate, "the Constitutional Court is the authentic interpreter of our Constitution, likewise, it has framed it" among the modern systems of constitutional justice of our environment, as well as the supreme guarantor of the Constitution.

The president of the Constitutional Court has highlighted that in recent decades "not only has our legal and jurisprudential acquis in defense of fundamental rights and freedoms matured, but also a whole culture of promotion around them has proliferated";

that is, he added "society and public authorities have internalized that fundamental rights and freedoms are the main axis that inspires our entire legal system, thus promoting their continuous development".

Likewise, he pointed out that the Constitutional continues to exercise a primordial role as one of the main actors responsible for verifying the content of fundamental rights and freedoms, to protect them and to promote them.


The magistrate has also addressed in his speech the treatment of human rights in Europe, and its interaction with the work of the Constitutional Court.

"We can recognize that human rights in the Union have gone from meaning a limit to constitute the foundation and the goal of integration," he said in this regard.

González Rivas has asserted that the democratic principle, of legality, and the rights of man, form a triad in which each of the parties can only reach its full meaning through the other two, and are nourished by the same meaning, that of the mandatory binding of all power constituted to a democratically legitimated law.

"We must be aware that in fidelity to the democratic law there is a basic idea to understand the past, the present and the future of Europe."

The jurist concluded his speech by paraphrasing the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, in his speech on the State of the Union this year: "In the European Union, the rule of law is not an option. Our Union is not a State, but must be a community of Law. "

Quality education in the Region

José Luis Mendoza, president of the UCAM, has indicated that this new course the institution will exceed twenty thousand students between official titles of degree, postgraduate, doctorate and language school.

It should be noted that the institution commemorates its 21st anniversary this year since the classes began, for which more than 50,000 students have passed.

Mendoza has pointed out that the UCAM is doing an important job for the Region of Murcia, "is making the name of Murcia known internationally, through quality education, research, and also sports."

He also referred to the University's firm commitment to research: "This university has about 30 publications in the three most important impact journals in the world (Science, Nature, Cell), in this area we are in the lead in Europe We will continue to promote research, fundamental in any university worth its salt. "

In addition, he recalled the evangelizing work of the UCAM as Catholic University: "We are fulfilling a fundamental pillar in our region, it is very important that young people know the love and mercy of God."

For his part, Fernando López Miras, president of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, has welcomed the students of the UCAM, "that in this university will acquire the knowledge and skills to make the Region of Murcia, to respond to a business network ".

Before the academic event, the president of the CARM assured, with respect to the modification of the law of universities, that the current one begins to be outdated and must adapt to reality, "but when changes are made to improve, do not want there is a new law in the Region of Murcia to divide, it has to start from the consensus, the dialogue, the agreement of all the actors, I believe in freedom, in which the students and parents of the Region of Murcia can be free to decide where to study, to have a plural educational offer ".

López Miras has finished his speech making a plea to the importance of freedom of education.

"My word is the word that believes in the freedom of families and students to decide which schools to study, that will work for a plural offer of university, so that all university students have the same conditions according to their needs or preferences. "

The rector of the UCAM, Josefina García Lozano has highlighted the service vocation of the institution, which offers an integral formation of the person;

and he recalled that the University has begun this new course with three new titles: Marketing and Commercial Management, Dance and Gastronomy, the last two in a three-year modality, "which places us in the first in the region to implement them."

It has also highlighted the level of teaching provided by the institution, which is reflected in the reports presented by ANECA, which places the UCAM as the Spanish university with the most renewed degrees.

He also recalled the commitment to internationalization, and the wide range of bilingual teaching that already represents 25% of the degrees.

Josefina García Lozano has vindicated before the authorities present, and in reference to the modification of the law of universities, that for it to be fair, it must have the three universities, the same for all students.

"We need firmness to continue making our way."

That is why he has rejected the new Education Law to draw up a map of titles that coerce the private initiative: "It is the UCAM which, based on its study of the environment, must decide what should be heading. and in which direction to develop. "

He also reported that the UCAM is "blocked" by the stoppage of works to make new facilities: "The UCAM needs a stable environment to develop."

Silverio Nieto, director of the Civil Legal Service of the Episcopal Conference and director of the Chair of Church-State Relations and Human Rights of the UCAM, has presented Juan José González Rivas.

During his speech, he highlighted the role of the Constitutional Court in the defense of values ​​and in safeguarding the unity of Spain after the latest events in Catalonia, and has defined the president of the Constitutional Court as "a rigorous jurist who remains aloof. of political whims "

Celebration of the Eucharist

Before the academic ceremony, the Eucharist celebrated by Cardinal Cañizares, archbishop of Valencia, was celebrated. He highlighted that the UCAM is called in a very particular way to "enlighten the world with the wisdom of the truth, and this is Jesus Christ".

Source: UCAM

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