Orange spokesman Mario Gómez demands an immediate review of the prices approved in the modifications of the burial project and the diversions made by the Junta de Hacendados and Emuasa, after verifying that the current director of Technical Actions, Ángel Antonio López, investigated in this plot, is one of the signers of the records of expenses and modifications of the burial in Murcia
Citizen spokesman Mario Gomez warned Jose Ballesta that the awards to the company Aldesa are approved by one of the investigators of the alleged criminal plot of the 'Cesar case'.
This is the current Director of Technical Acting Adif, Angel Antonio López, one of the signers of the records of expenses and modifications of the project of underground of the High Speed ​​to Murcia.
For this reason, Gomez has demanded "an immediate revision of the prices approved in the modifications of the burial and deviations made by the Junta de Tierras y Emuasa," after verifying that one of the signatories is being investigated for its involvement in this alleged network criminal investigating the AVE fraud.
Overcost detected
"In Citizens," Gómez reported, "we have already detected extra costs in the adjudications of the alterations to the underground project, which we will shortly be bringing to the attention of Adif President Juan Bravo."
"We are not going to allow the alleged criminal network for the AVE fraud to reach its burial tentacles in Murcia," warned the spokesman for the orange formation, who stressed that "if José Ballesta does not take strong and clear measures could become in accomplice of a new plunder to the Murcia ".
Source: Ciudadanos Murcia