The Aula Magna of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Murcia (UMU) will host tomorrow, October 25, a series of activities that will have as protagonist the mastiff, as protector of the cattle.
The first of the acts will be the conference on the mastiff as an ally of extensive livestock and its importance in transhumance and conservation of pastoral ecosystems will offer Ignacio Doadrio.
It will be at 5:00 p.m.
Doadrio is research professor of the Higher Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) and breeder of Spanish mastiff.
- Then, at 18:00 hours, a round table will be held on the relationship between the mastiff, the wolf and extensive livestock.
Jorge Escudero, from the Environmental Education Center "La Dehesa", from Riopar (Albacete), and José Puntas, veterinarian, president of the National Association of Sheep Breeders, will participate in this event.
The day will conclude with a debate, at 19:00 hours, on the mastiff and the Veterinary Farm of the UMU, by UMU student Sergio Pérez.
A tasting of Segureño sheep will put an end to the encounter.
Source: Universidad de Murcia