The orange training has presented allegations to the specifications that arrive late and wet, plagued by arbitrariness and generalities that leave the hands of the contractor the direction of the conditions of the service in terms of time, location, qualification of staff, contract price , material means, etc.
Citizen spokesman Mario Gómez has demanded that José Ballesta rectify and meet deadlines, heed the proposals of his political group and modify the specifications to ensure the provision of a municipal service of adequate and fair tourist information.
It has also rejected the old forms of adjudication of the Popular Party.
"Once again they fail to meet their own deadlines and to approve, through the back door, the aforementioned statement, since the date for the submission of allegations," he reported, "ends Tuesday, but the PP approved it last Friday in Governing Board ".
According to Gómez, "with the approval of the document is distorting the basic objective of the contract that is none other than the attention, information and tourism promotion, however, the local government wants to turn it into a souvenir shop, where they can be sold all kinds of memories ".
"An issue that," according to Cs, "must be expressly suppressed and prohibited from the specifications because we can not consent," he said, "that in a municipal service prime particular interest over the general, decaying the fundamental object of the contract" .
Similarly, the Orange formation has presented other allegations to the understanding that "the Popular Party has approved it fixing more on who should be the company awarded and for its own benefit, that of the neighbors and the municipality as a whole."
In this sense, Gomez has detailed some of the arbitrariness and generalities of a specification that leaves the contractor in the hands of the conditions of the service in terms of time, location, staff qualification, contract price, material means, among other issues.
Thus, it has referred to the failure to specify the place of provision of the service, leaving to the discretion of the contractor an aspect that should be determined by the Consistory itself, especially considering that the sites chosen should prevail in the general interest and not the contractor .
Another issue that also remains in the hands of the winner is the schedule.
"The sheet also does not contemplate a minimum of hours, nor does it value the experience and information available to the Consistory regarding the needs of the service, influx of tourists / visitors and schedules of maximum attendance."
Academic qualification and languages
Regarding the functions of the service, Citizens has warned that again we are lacking precision.
"No objective criteria are specified, such as, for example, the academic qualification and the minimum number of languages ​​that are established in order to attend the offer".
Contract price and material means
As for the price of the contract, the orange training has denounced the change of criteria established in the specifications, not fixing a price per hour of attention to the public, but by visitor / tourist;
being the winner the one that finally will take the total control of the visits, a question that could be to the detriment of the municipal coffers.
Likewise, Gómez pointed out that, as regards material resources, "the abstraction and indetermination again, the contractor being bound by the obligation to supply material in a sufficient manner, without quantification or indication of type, models, quantities , etc."
Use of data, reduced mobility and cleaning service
Nor is it detailed the current regulations regarding the use of data, programs, platforms of the CARM;
nor is it specific how the issue of reduced mobility and other issues affecting groups with special needs will be managed.
Finally, the spokesperson for the Orange Training has also emphasized the absence of a minimum framework guaranteeing the cleanliness, maintenance and conservation of municipal facilities.
"The office of Belluga is included in the service contract for cleaning municipal units, a fact that should be regulated by the City to avoid duplication or the assumption of this service by anyone who does not correspond," he concluded.
Source: Ciudadanos Murcia