The II Professional Protocol and Events Forum will bring together this Saturday, October 14 to 15 of the most representative speakers in Spain.
There will be an institutional table headed by Cristina Ruíz, head of Protocol of the Government Delegation in the Region of Murcia, Maria Dolores Sánchez, chief of Protocol of the City of Murcia, José María Soler, chief of Protocol of the City of Huércal-Overa - and Alfonso Yagüe - Director of Communication and Protocol of the City of Yecla.
Joaquín Hernández, head of Protocol Office of the UCAM, emphasizes that "the Catholic University of Murcia is a reference for hosting a professional discussion on the practice of the protocol that will bring together professionals to discuss current affairs in this area" .
Salvador Hernández, director of the Higher School of Protocol and Institutional Relations of the UCA, said that "it is an opportunity to deepen knowledge in the protocol area because the forum has high quality papers."
From AEP (Spanish Association of Protocol) Region of Murcia, its delegate Ana Fernández declares to be "very satisfied to be able to host an event of this type that serves to give voice to the professionals of the sector".
Source: UCAM