The CreaMurcia Contest, in its category of literature, already knows the works awarded in its edition of 2017. In total 284 literary works have been presented.
In the section of story and poetry the first prize went to Ana María Soto Gil and his work 'Ifigenia.
Meat on the floor '.
In addition, three accésit have been announced for Clara Sánchez Sánchez ('The Keys of Florida'), Beatriz Miralles of Imperial Ollero ('The Wind blows where she wants') and Marlon Alejandro Lorenty Vera ('Poetry of steam').
To these works are added the special mention in category of poetry to David Cano Gea, for 'The Journey of anxiety' and Andrea Tovar Pardo for 'Choreographies.
Active Oxygen and Bananas'.
This was decided by the jury composed of the councilor for youth and development cooperation, Rebeca Pérez as president, accompanied by technicians Rubén Castillo, Marisa López, Nieves Pérez-Abad and Juan Albaladejo as secretary.
The prizes represent an economic amount of 1,000 euros for the first selected and 350 € for the second prize.
In the section of Microrrelato will be made soon a final where the finalist works will be read.
Here € 500 will be awarded to the best creation presented.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia