Thanks to ASPANPAL, the City Council will have a facility for people with hearing aids that facilitates hearing accessibility.
In addition, the V relay race of solidarity organized by this association will be held on October 1 at the Malecón
Conchita Ruiz, Councilor for Social Rights, and Felipe Coello, Councilor for Sports and Health, present the project that will make accessibility for people with deafness a reality in the Plenary Hall of the City Hall, along with members of the Spanish Confederation of Families of Deaf People (FIAPAS).
Likewise, the 5th Relay Race of Solidarity organized by ASPANPAL will be presented together with representatives of the Federation of Athletics of the Region of Murcia (FAMU), which will be celebrated on Sunday, October 1st, for the International Day of the Deaf.
The race will take place on the Malecon with departure at 10.00 hours, and those interested can register on the website .
The riders can participate individually or in teams of 3 riders (relievers) who will have to give between three, 3 laps to a closed circuit of 2,700 meters, covering a total distance of 8,100 meters.
The fees are 24 euros for the relay team (8 euros for each participant), 8 euros for the individual race and 5 euros for inscriptions of fry and children.
Coello stressed that "the aim of this march is to make deafness visible in the municipality of Murcia, in this case sport, running, serves as a means to raise awareness of Murcia society and bring it closer to the reality of people with deafness."
El Ayuntamiento de Murcia va a hacer accesible el Salón de Plenos con la instalación de la ayuda auxiliar del bucle magnético para las personas sordas usuarias de prótesis auditivas con audífonos y/o implantes cocleares.
Acción que facilitará la accesibilidad auditiva en el entorno, tanto para la orientación, como para la percepción de la información sonora de todo tipo y del lenguaje.
Esto va a posibilitar la comunicación y las relaciones interpersonales en espacios y situaciones contaminadas por el ruido ambiente o en las que la distancia con el interlocutor o la presencia de varios interlocutores dificulta o impide esta comunicación y el acceso a la información.
Se trata de un cable conectado a un amplificador.
Desde cualquier fuente de sonido, la señal de audio va al amplificador que introduce una corriente eléctrica en el cable y genera un campo magnético.
El campo magnético induce a la tele-bobina de la prótesis auditiva audífono o implante coclear, acercando la señal auditiva, mejorando la calidad en la recepción de la misma, y solucionando los problemas de inteligibilidad producidos por el ruido de fondo, la distancia entre el emisor y el receptor, y la reverberación o eco.
Con esta iniciativa el Ayuntamiento de Murcia, se hace eco de las necesidades de las personas sordas instalando el bucle magnético, y promocionando la accesibilidad a través de recursos de apoyo a la audición ya la comunicación oral en espacios y actos públicos.
Desde la Fundación Universidad y Empresa de Madrid serán ellos quienes realicen la instalación.
Currently in ASPANPAL, there are 75 children receiving early care treatment, more than 40 children over 6 years of age, and about 25 adults who weekly come to this association to receive a comprehensive treatment for their deafness, from re-habilitation speech and hearing , workshops on social skills, promotion of personal autonomy, child psychology, school support or courses of Spanish sign language, among others.
ASPANPAL has 360 associates parents of deaf children and 160 deaf associates, being the most representative association of deaf people and their families in the Region.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia