The training and research activities related to medicine and sports practice are the central motif of the collaboration agreement signed today, 18 September, at Convalecencia, by the University of Murcia (UMU) and the professional society formed by doctors Pedro Luis Ripoll and Mariano de Prado.
The agreement also contemplates the realization of practices of the students of the UMU in the centers of those.
The proponents of the agreement, teachers María del Carmen López Aniorte and Ernesto de la Cruz, have highlighted the importance it has for this teaching institution.
For their part, Drs. Ripoll and De Prado have placed special emphasis on highlighting the international prestige of the UMU.
In addition, they have indicated that the collaboration agreement also supposes to return to this institution the formation that in the day they received themselves.
They have also indicated that they have "will, will and enthusiasm" to get the agreement the most optimal results.
The Dean of the Faculty of Sports Science, Arturo Díaz, has also intervened, which has highlighted the interest that students have to practice at the facilities of both medical professionals.
The act has been closed by the rector, José Orihuela, who has referred to the international projection of Ripoll and De Prado, to add that in a society that practices more and more sports, the training and research possibilities provided in the agreement have a great importance
Source: Universidad de Murcia