The collaboration between the Department of Social Rights and OMEP will allow different actions to be taken to promote female self-employment in the municipality through the discovery and knowledge of talent.
In this way, the proposal of the Equal Opportunities Plan between women and men of the municipality of Murcia, which proposes to promote and promote women's entrepreneurship in the municipality, through training and awareness-raising actions with the relevant entities in this area .
This project will have two lines of action.
The first, under the name 'Discovering my entrepreneurial talent', is composed of theoretical-practical conferences to promote female self-employment through the discovery and knowledge of talent.
Self-knowledge, the guidelines for assessing the entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial capacity of women and the presentation of the integral program "Mujer Emprende" are the pillars of the informative days.
They will have a duration of 2 hours and are addressed to women members of Women's Centers in the municipality of Murcia.
The days will be offered to all centers and a selection will be made based on the demand obtained and the number of women interested.
The second line of action is the 2018 Training Circuit 'From Entrepreneur to Entrepreneur', an integral training program in three phases of execution (selection, counseling and training) aimed at training women from the municipality of Murcia who wish to start a business activity and need of the acquisition of entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial competences.
It will be understood during four months and it is addressed to women with entrepreneurial restlessness with a project to be developed.
The content of the training cycle is as follows:
- From entrepreneur to entrepreneur, Personal skills "Discovering my talents, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship (15 h.)
- From entrepreneur to businesswoman.
Personal skills.
"The adventure of undertaking, basic survival kit. (15 h.)
"To start the businesswoman."
Business initiation.
"From idea to company, everything I need to know to start my project."
(30 h.)
- To start the businesswoman.
Business Initiation II.
"The technological strategy in our business plan".
(15 h.)
- From entrepreneur to businesswoman.
Business Initiation III.
"Business communication and social networks".
(15 h.)
After the cycle, an advisory phase and review of business plans will be carried out.
Councilor for Social Rights, Conchita Ruiz, explained that "we will continue to take actions aimed at eliminating the situations of inequality and social disadvantage of women that favor and increase their presence in the different spheres of social life and in the processes of taking decisions ".
Ruiz added that "it has been verified that the average number of entrepreneurial initiatives promoted by women in Murcia is greater than in the rest of the national territory and that a large number of women entrepreneurs in our municipality request information and training to start or consolidate their business project ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia