"From the organization of the I Triathlon City of Murcia we do not understand the information provided by the association Huermur and the formation Now Murcia, against the celebration of a triathlon in the capital of Murcia Triathlon we are an association that we dedicated to the promotion of sport with the organization of sporting events, and this year we launched the adventure of Triathlon in the city of Murcia, demanded by many triathletes of the Region, who were passionate about the idea of ​​swimming in the Segura River and compete for the bicycle and of career by foot by the main roads of the capital.
After many hours of work and study of circuits, we took the project to the City Hall where we have always been well received by the Councilor for Sports, Felipe Coello, who has shown us his unconditional support.
With the declarations of Huermur and Now Murcia in which, among others, the Triathlon of Murcia is classified as "fudge" and in which no official document is submitted, we only see the intention to do us harm and load a sports test of the that we expected a great reception by the group of triathletes of the Region.
We want to state in this statement that we have all the permits to carry out the test, as it is attached in the images, and that we ask that the triathlon is not politicized and that everyone remembers in the same direction that is no other than the support and the promotion of sport ".
Source: Organización del I Triatlón Ciudad de Murcia