The municipal formation reminds the government team that the works taken out under the title "PROJECT OF WORKS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF TRAFFIC IN MURCIA, ON THE REASON OF THE RAILWAY SOTERRAMIENTO" really correspond to the traffic diversions by the wall of the AVE in surface that will close the level steps, not the burial of the tracks.
Now Murcia has requested to the Ministry of Development the plans and reports of accessibility of the footbridge that would allow the passage in Santiago the Greater, as well as the expected dates of its construction and opening to the use
The municipal group requires that the neighbors be informed in detail of the conditions of the work and changes in circulation, as well as that it proposes that a period of participation and allegations be opened by the neighbors and municipal boards of the area
AM denounced that the works tendered by the City Council do not contemplate any solution for the passage of Senda de los Garres, where the Ministry of Public Works will not build a pedestrian crossing, closing sine die a habitual step in this area of ​​the municipality
Now Murcia reminds the government team of the PP in the City of Murcia that the works has been contracted for almost € 250,000, are simply traffic and traffic control in the area between Santiago el Mayor and Ronda Sur, due to the wall of the AVE that is being built for surface arrival in which the PP continues to work in the City Hall and the Autonomous Community, as well as the Ministry of Development.
The municipal training has indicated that, as explained by the specifications and project that is being tendered by the government team, entitled "PROJECT OF WORKS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF TRAFFIC IN MURCIA, ON THE REASON OF RAILWAY SOTERRAMIENTO", this contracting is due to the urgency facilitate the arrival of the AVE in surface and the cuts of traffic that supposes:
The present project is written considering the proximity of the works of the high speed train to Murcia that will imply cuts to the traffic and provisional detours that will imply a greater intensity of traffic in streets and vials that will require some modification and centralization of the semaphoric installations located in the zone.
Likewise, analyzing the project, the situation after the AVE works on the surface is not contemplated, since there are simply two phases: the first, before the closing of the level crossings, and the second, once the two steps level to close to traffic:
Phase 1: The section of the Orilla de la Vía road in the Infante area, between Torre de Romo and Naranjo lane, will be cut off from traffic.
The Torre de Romo and Senda de Los Garres level passes are open to traffic.
- Phase 2: The stretch of the Orilla de la Vía road in the Infante area, between Torre de Romo and Naranjo Lane, is cut off from traffic.
The passes at Torre de Romo and Senda de los Garres are also cut off from traffic.
For this municipal group, the actions of the team of Ballesta are once again aimed at facilitating the arrival of the AVE in surface and the construction of the wall that will divide the city of Murcia in two, as well as a good part of the municipality, instead of putting itself on the side of the neighbors claiming an integral burial that does not lead to the isolation of the southern area of ​​Murcia.
In this line, Now Murcia has requested the Ministry of Public Works and ADIF a copy of the plans of the pedestrian walkway announced in Santiago El Mayor and Torre de Romo, as well as to submit the accessibility reports that prove compliance with all existing regulations in this ambit.
The training recalled that in the case of the bridge Tiñosa, several reports detected that the initial project was not in accordance with the current legality in terms of accessibility, so "we want all documents that prove that it will strictly comply with the regulations on this bridge now announced. "
The municipal group demands that the residents be informed in detail of the affections that will cause the work on both sides of the roads and the changes of circulation proposed by the City Council.
Likewise, Now Murcia proposes to start a period of participation and allegations open to all citizens and where they also give voice to municipal boards and their vowels, to be able to improve the content of the project.
Finally, the training has denounced that, once again, the passage of the Path of Los Garres has been left out in the plans of the administrations, since neither ADIF has arbitrated a solution to the passage in the zone when the wall is raised that will annul this traditional step, nor has the City Council contemplated any action in the project of traffic control and traffic control.
Source: Ahora Murcia