Now Murcia presented to the municipal plenary a proposal for a semi-state "with an austere and reasonable project" but the PP has promoted "a new Pharaonic project that neither pedestrians the whole avenue nor solves problems like the terraces of the area."
For the municipalist formation "the PP is committed to prolonging Santo Domingo and its theme park of bars and terraces spending more than 400 euros per square meter, instead of returning the street to the pedestrian, reduce noise in the area and avoid squander the Money of the citizenship of Murcia ".
Now Murcia has criticized publicly the consummation of the initiative of the PP to reduce the semi-pedestrianization of Avenida Alfonso X to half of its surface, increasing at the same time the cost of the same to more than three million euros, "a new increase Unjustified in the cost of a work that should be more austere and realistic. "
The municipal training has explained that "given the economic situation in which the City of Murcia is and the social reality of the municipality, this new increase is not justified in this work, which already amounts to more than 400 euros per square meter, according to The last approved project ".
Likewise, from Now Murcia it has been pointed out that "the priorities of municipal investment should be directed to needs such as urban rehabilitation of La Paz, the recovery of neighborhoods and districts and social attention to citizens," while "the project of Alfonso X should have been drafted following a line of austerity, recovery of public space and maintenance of pedestrian spaces in good condition that exist.
For Now Murcia "the design that has finally led to hiring the Popular Party in the City of Murcia is a new project pharaonic, a theme park of terraces and bars, expanding the model 'plaza Santo Domingo' to Jaime I, without attending the Suggestions and allegations of the groups and associations in the exhibition of the project ".
From this municipal group, a motion was proposed to the Town Hall plenary to promote the semi-pedestrianization of the Gran Vía Alfonso X el Sabio de Murcia, under a austere, reasonable and integral project model, covering the entire extension of the avenue, and Access of the neighbors to their garages, as well as the passage of emergency vehicles and loading and unloading, maintaining an image unit in the differentiated space that supposes Alfonso X. Likewise, it was proposed that the space released from the circulation would increase the space For pedestrians, encouraging their community use and without increasing terraces or tents, to ensure the end of the initiative brought to plenary.
Source: Ahora Murcia