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Now Murcia blames Ballesta and Pacheco for the dismissal of the workers of the Museum of the City of Murcia " (17/08/2017)

Now Murcia has blamed Mayor Ballesta and the councilman for Employment, Tourism and Culture of the dismissals of workers of the City Museum as well as the situation of precariousness in which one of the main institutions of diffusion remains Of the history and traditions of the municipality of Murcia.

For Now Murcia "it is unheard of that, although we have been warning for months that the management contracts of museums and cultural spaces of Murcia concluded this year, has not moved a finger from the City to give a solution to these centers and Their workers before ending such contracts, "as well as" that is the null interest in the culture shown by Ballesta and Pacheco. "

Since the municipal training, numerous initiatives have been presented in plenary as well as through communications, requests and writings to different councils and the Mayor, warning of the conclusion of contracts such as the City Museum, and demanding that the situation of these spaces be regularized Cultural and their workers, so that this problem could be solved before arriving at the facts that were known that could happen.

For this municipal group "the lack of foresight of the Councilor for Employment, Tourism and Culture has led these workers to dismissal, as it led to repeated non-payment of the payrolls of workers Ramón Gaya Museum, that is the legacy of the councilman Employment of Murcia ".

"The neglect, ineffectiveness and indifference shown by Ballesta and Pacheco is regrettable, while the municipal museums collapse, they are dedicated to fill up Murcia posters of a news fair that brings us museums closed and workers without charge."


Source: Ahora Murcia

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