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Now Murcia denounces that "invasive species are taking the municipality" before the inaction of pp (04/08/2017)

- Now Murcia has submitted a letter to the Directorate General of Natural Environment of the Autonomous Community to bring to your attention the rapid and dangerous expansion of the species 'cat's tail' in the municipality and threatens to go to justice "if the City Council Does not take urgent measures "

NOW MURCIA denounces that "the invasive species are taking the municipality" before the inaction and desidia of the municipal government of the PP.

Councilor Angeles Micol refers to the proliferation of "the cat's tail, the red weevil or the tiger mosquito, among other species," and points out that "more measures need to be taken to prevent and eradicate the presence of these species."

The mayor stressed that "it would be especially easy to end the invasive plant 'cat's tail', since its presence is static, but it requires a minimum of political will that apparently the PP does not have."

Micol reminds that Now Murcia took to the Plenary of last February a motion, approved by all the groups, to eliminate the cat's tail of our municipality, "but half a year later, the Government indicates that it is still 'under study' Is it really permissible to act with such abandon before a species considered by the Ministry of the Environment as invasive and before the mandate of the Plenary to act promptly?

Faced with this situation, Now Murcia has submitted a letter to the Directorate General of Natural Environment of the Autonomous Community to bring to your knowledge the rapid and dangerous expansion of the invasive exotic species 'pennisetum setaceum', also known as the 'feather duster' , "Cat's tail" or "elephant grass", "which is spreading through the municipality of Murcia in roundabouts, parterres and ditches, threatening also areas of traditional orchard and forest areas, as well as native species."

The municipal training also warns that it will go to court "if the City does not urgently take measures".

From now Murcia is requested to comply with Royal Decree 630/2013, of August 2, which regulates the Spanish Catalog of invasive alien species, which includes the 'pennisetum setaceum', and stop this invasive species, controlling it And eradicating it from the municipality.

The Councilor explains that "when invasive species, such as the 'cat's tail', proliferate in one region cause damage to the environment, human and economic activities and cause the disappearance of other similar native species. Problems that currently threaten natural ecosystems and biodiversity on the planet. In fact, they are recognized as the second cause of species disappearance after habitat loss, and it is estimated that 40% of Fauna and flora produced in the last five centuries are due to them. "

The Spanish Penal Code, in article 333, criminalizes the deliberate release of exotic species.

Thus, it is stated that "anyone who introduces or liberates species of non-indigenous flora or fauna in a way that damages the biological balance, contrary to laws or general protective provisions of species of flora or fauna, shall be punished by imprisonment From six months to two years or a fine of eight to 24 months. "

"In Murcia we find ourselves," he says, "not only before a release of this invasive species, which occurred when irresponsibly was planted in gardens and roundabouts of the municipality as an ornamental plant, but irresponsibility has reached the point that no Has been controlled or prevented the expansion of said plant.The City of Murcia is not acting as it should and is allowing, with its passivity, that this harmful plant is colonizing spaces as emblematic as the Huerta de Murcia.

Micol regrets that "it seems that the experience with the red weevil or tiger mosquito, which have already settled in our municipality causing serious damage to our environment and even putting human health at risk, has not been enough to learn the lesson of That in these situations you have to react immediately and you can not fall into passivity, because then the consequences become difficult to remediable. "

From now on Murcia has reported the existence of outbreaks where this plant grows along Av. Juan de Borbón, on the service lanes of the A-30 motorway at the height of the shopping centers Nueva Condomina and Thader, in the Close to the urbanization Joven Futura, in the section of Senda de Granada next to the Av. Juan Carlos I, in the margins of the road Ronda Sur.

Now Murcia presented a motion, which was approved unanimously by the Plenary of the City of Murcia, in February to urge the municipal government to complete eradication of this plant in all public spaces, drawing up an inventory and plan Eradication of the specimens of this species propagated by other places adjacent to the gardens and roundabouts where they were planted and to carry out a campaign of awareness about the danger of the expansion of this invasive species.

From Now Murcia is warned that if we do not begin to take action against the expansion of this and other invasive species in the municipality of Murcia, so damaging to our native flora and fauna, will initiate the relevant legal actions, pursuant to Article 333 Of the Spanish Penal Code for the search of the authorities responsible for such events for having allowed the release of these species in our municipality and what is worse, do nothing in the face of its devastating proliferation.


Source: Ahora Murcia

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