Portal de Murcia


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Cs wonders if the motto of the local government in districts is "closed for vacation" (03/08/2017)

The orange formation denounces that the PP leaves without information service to the citizen during the month of August to the residents of Puente Tocinos, San José de la Vega, Llano de Brujas, Era Alta, Algezares, La Ñora, Aljucer, Rincón de Seca, Patiño, Javalí Nuevo, Espinardo, among others

Citizens have today called on the local government for greater planning for the summer in the service of citizen care in districts.

"It is not understood that the local government does not take this into account and that many neighbors of districts are left without this service during this period of time," said the spokesman for the orange formation, Mario Gomez.

The municipal group Citizens has listed some of the districts that are left without that service during the month of August, among which stand out Tocinos Bridge, San José de la Vega, Llano de Brujas, Era Alta, Algezares, La Ñora, Aljucer, Rincon (Closed from July 24 to August 25), Cabezo de Torres and El Esparragal (closed three weeks), Zarandona (closed from mid-August to mid-September), El Puntal and San Ginés (open only a few days), among others.

"It's one thing to slow down the activity in the summer, as happened in Santo Ángel, where the weekly service has been reduced from 3 to 2 days;

And another very different is that under the pretext of the holidays some municipal services are left unattended, "said Gómez, who reminded the local government that" there is nothing closer to the citizen than to meet their demands in each of the districts , Something that José Ballesta is not fulfilling. "

In this sense, Cs spokesman recalled the words of the mayor of Murcia during his election campaign, "we will take care of the simple things that improve the quality of life of our districts."

Statements that some time later, "said Gómez," do not marry reality.

"As much as the PP government is committed to trying to sell that work for the districts, the policies of José Ballesta and his team harm the daily life of the neighbors of districts, enlarging the difference, as far as services is concerned, with those Who live in the city center despite paying the same taxes ".

"José Ballesta and his council members confuse decentralization with desertification, doing the opposite of what was promised, abandoning or closing facilities and reducing services," he concluded.

Source: Ciudadanos Murcia

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