The Governing Council of the University of Murcia (UMU) has shown its support to the Association of Friends of the Cigarralejo Museum in the campaign that promotes the musealization of exvotos from the excavations carried out by the engineer and doctor honoris causa of this educational institution Emeterio Cuadrado in this Iberian site.
In the report on these exvotos elaborated by said Association it is indicated that the same, about two hundred, were ceded by the family of Cuadrado to the Autonomous Community as payment in payment for the inheritance tax.
These archaeological findings were delivered to the regional administration in compliance with the wishes of Emeterio Cuadrado, who had requested that they remain in the Museum of the Cigarralejo, in Mula, and that they were exhibited worthily in the same, for which, all the Ground floor of the building.
In March 2010, the Autonomous Community published in the BOE a competition for the musealization of these expo, for 300,000 euros, but the works were never completed.
For this reason, what is requested by the friends of the Museum is that these funds, of great value, happen to be exhibited in the Museum, for which the Autonomous Community is demanded to carry out the necessary to obtain it.
Source: Universidad de Murcia