The technical services are studying the allegations submitted to the draft of the instruction to include social and environmental clauses in the contracts of the City Council.
Hence Councilman Eduardo Martinez-Oliva shows his surprise at the manifestations of the PSOE this morning 'asking us to start something that we have not only started, but we are about to conclude'.
At this stage, the analysis and revision of the allegations are open and, when they are answered by the competent municipal services - employment relations, employment, equality agent, environment, social services, etc. - the final text will be sent again To the Governing Board and after its approval, the instruction will be part of the processing of the specifications of the different councils.
On the other hand, some associations and social groups have publicly stated that the preparation of this instruction of the City of Murcia may serve as a model for other municipalities.
The new social clauses that are intended to incorporate refer to the socio-labor insertion of people in situations of social exclusion and / or people with functional diversity, the protection of the labor rights of the workers attached to the execution of the appropriate contract, the improvement of Vocational training through on-the-job training, promotion of effective equality between women and men, safeguarding occupational safety and health, reconciliation of work and family life, and, among other things, improved accessibility.
Source: PP Murcia