The Socialist Municipal Group, which is receiving constant complaints about the lack of bike lanes in some cases and the collapse of traffic that makes cycling difficult for others, considers that the PP's low forecast for designing and planning bicycle lanes is "a Clear symptom of the little faith that has always had the bike as a means of alternative transportation to the car, "says Councilman Juan Vicente Larrosa.
"The little conviction that the PP has for the bike lanes is noticeable in improvisation, being built after opening a vial, as it happens in the avenues Kingdom of Murcia and Miguel Induráin, and not as part of these, and also in which they usually assume Short journeys that, to top it off, have to be shared with pedestrians, "adds the mayor, who remembers that precisely these two avenues, relatively new," were a commitment of the councilor of Traffic, who do not stop giving problems. "
The councilor calls for planning to ensure the use of bicycles with total safety throughout the municipality and its compatibility with other means of transport and, above all, with the pedestrians.
"It is happening that we have not given enough attention to the bike in decades, despite the creation of offices and observatories, and now we find that there are more users and more need to move in this environment, but the answer we can Give are more testimonial lanes and for a short ride than true utility, "he points out.
"We started the house on the roof, as if everything was done to look good and not to give a definitive solution to neighborhood demands and needs, so there is almost to start again, creating roads in which cars, bicycles and pedestrians have their Spaces delimited to guarantee the safety of all those who circulate, "concludes Larrosa, who states that" an action plan like the one presented to us by the last Bike Observatory would be fine, but of course, it has to be effective. "
Source: PSOE Murcia