33 educational centers are part of the School Ecological School Network of the Municipality of Murcia, 22 have participated in the 'Green Schools' program and 25 centers have attended environmental itineraries.
Councilor for Urbanism, Environment and Huerta, Antonio Navarro, has presented the report of activities of the program 'Murcia, ecología de una ciudad'
The councilor of Urbanism, Environment and Huerta, Antonio Navarro, presented this morning the memory of activities of the program 'Murcia, ecology of a city' of the course 2016/2017 being this the 21st edition of the environmental program that runs this council and Is offered to schoolchildren and associations of the municipality of Murcia.
complemented by various activities such as the school gardens network, "Escuelas Verdes", "Ecoaula" where didactic talks, workshops and visits are offered.
Además a este proyecto se le suma la visita con distintos itinerarios ambientales al Majal Blanco, a las Canteras del Valle ya la Contraparada y la exposición itinerante.
In addition to this project is added the visit with different environmental itineraries to the White Majal, the Canteras del Valle and the Contraparada and the traveling exhibition.
De los 33 centros educativos de la RHEMU, 29 han demandado información y actividades, y 9 se han incorporado en este curso.
Of the 33 RHEMU educational centers, 29 have requested information and activities, and 9 have joined this course.
Todos estos centros han utilizado los servicios que les ofrece la Concejalía de Medio Ambiente: préstamo de herramientas y el servicio de un educador ambiental para la realización de actividades, asesoramiento y puesta en marcha.
All these centers have used the services offered by the Department of Environment: loan of tools and the service of an environmental educator to carry out activities, advice and start-up.
Este curso escolar la RHEMU atendió a 278 unidades escolares ya 6.950 personas.
This school year the RHEMU served 278 school units and 6,950 people.
Green Schools
En el presente curso han participado en el programa “Escuelas Verdes†un total de 22 centros educativos, siendo 3 de nueva participación y los restantes 19 se mantienen en el programa de anteriores ediciones, de los cuáles 14 han ganado el galardón de Escuelas Verdes.
In the present course, a total of 22 schools participated in the "Green Schools" program, of which 3 were new participants and the remaining 19 remained in the program of previous editions, 14 of which have won the Green Schools award.
Estos datos suman un total de 272 unidades escolares y 6.800 personas atendidas durante este curso.
These data total a total of 272 school units and 6,800 people attended during this course.
Itinerarios ambientales
En relación a los itinerarios ambientales que oferta el programa, 25 centros participaron en ellos con 883 alumnos que disfrutaron del Aula de la Naturaleza del Majal Blanco, 88 personas realizaron el itinerario de las Canteras de El Valle y 874 escolares estuvieron en La Contraparada.
In relation to the environmental itineraries offered by the program, 25 centers participated in them with 883 students who enjoyed the Majal Blanco Nature Classroom, 88 people made the itinerary of the Canteras of El Valle and 874 schoolchildren were in La Contraparada.
El pasado curso se puso en marcha el itinerario ambiental por La Contraparada que acerca a los alumnos a conocer la historia asociada a la cultura del agua en Murcia.
The last course was launched the environmental itinerary by La Contraparada that brings students to know the history associated with the water culture in Murcia.
Este curso la participación ha sido muy elevada, consolidándose este itinerario como la oferta del programa más demandada.
This course participation has been very high, consolidating this itinerary as the most demanded program offer.
Este programa se consolida como el primer programa de educación ambiental de la Región de Murcia, con su trayectoria y participación de escolares y asociaciones, cumpliendo este curso su 21ª edición.
This program is consolidated as the first environmental education program of the Region of Murcia, with its trajectory and participation of schoolchildren and associations, completing this course its 21st edition.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia