It was presented this afternoon in a crowded hall of events of the Ministry of Employment, in an event in which its owner Fatima Báñez participated;
The Minister of Health, Dolors Montserrat;
The president of the UCAM, José Luis Mendoza;
The president of the COE, Alejandro Blanco;
And the project director, María Jesús Bonilla
Promote university research on equal opportunities for women within social diversity, study the reality of their professional and family development, promote their talent against discriminatory practices and promote the leadership of women in the public and private spheres Are some of the aims of the International Chair of Women, Enterprise and Sport of the UCAM that has been presented today in Madrid.
The event was attended by Fatima Báñez, Minister of Employment and Social Security;
Dolors Montserrat, Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality;
José Luis Mendoza, president of the Catholic University of Murcia;
Alejandro Blanco, president of the Spanish Olympic Committee, and María Jesús Bonilla, director of the chair.
The first actions of this chair "socially committed" will be to develop research and provide training in the fields of agri-food, cultural management or digital transformation.
But during the event there have been more initiatives by a public that crowded the hall of the Ministry of Employment, among which were important businessmen of our country, elite athletes of the UCAM (Olympic, world champions or Teresa Paralelos), representatives of foundations, different administrations (including Secretaries of State or Directors General), politicians (national, autonomous and local) or diplomats.
With the international character of the same is intended to implement its actions in Spain as in the rest of Europe and Latin America.
The event showed the commitment of many different sectors of Spanish society to value the role of women especially in the world of business and sports, and enhance their leadership.
The management team of the International Women, Company and Sport Chair is made up of Mª Jesús Bonilla, Concepción Bravo, Mª Dolores Bolarín and Gema Rosario García, all of them promoters of the event and present at the event, Composed of Pedro Guillén, Juan Pablo Lázaro, Clemente González, Alejandra Frías, Miriam Blasco, Antonio Garmendia and Ruth Beitia.
The president of the UCAM said that "fostering the culture of effort, perseverance and honesty among young entrepreneurs in Spain, and entrepreneurship must be a primary objective of this new chair, as well as training in values, much needed In these times, "always" with a true spirit of service and dedication to others. "
The director of the Chair, Mª Jesús Bonilla, affirmed that this is a historical page, but at the same time she put in value "so many women and men who have fought for us to be here today", recognizing that therefore "the untiring work continues Of many people. "
The president of the Spanish Olympic Committee, Alejandro Blanco, has highlighted the successes that women athletes have achieved for our country, both in elite competitions and in the practice of sport in general, and appreciated that this chair on women, in The framework of the UCAM, keep in mind the sport.
The Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality, Dolors Montserrat said during this event that what makes a society advance is to ensure that its citizens have all the possibilities and opportunities to develop their professional and personal project in freedom.
Both gender-based violence and equal opportunities are the responsibility of the whole society, with capital letters.
For the Minister of Employment and Social Security, Fatima Báñez, entrepreneurship and women go hand in hand and are the protagonists at this time of the social recovery that is living Spain, giving the information that two out of three entrepreneurs of the recovery are women , So he concluded by saying that "there is no goal, however difficult, that female talent is not able to achieve."
In the 80 Spanish universities there are only 9 rectors, one of them the UCAM
Curiously, and although the opposite might be expected, the university environment does not escape the 'glass roof' effect, being the UCAM a positive example that breaks it, so it is not surprising the initiative of this chair.
Across Spain, women represent 54.3% of undergraduate students, but 39.7% of university teaching staff.
They also occupy 21% of the chairs and management positions, and in the 80 Spanish universities there are only 9 rectors (3 in public and 6 in private), one of them being Josefina García, from UCAM, a university in which 30 other women More occupy vicerrectorados and managerial positions.
In addition, for UCAM, the company's strategic relationship with the business world, both in the field of training and research, with many initiatives, is recognized nationally and internationally as 'La universidad de deporte'.
Source: UCAM