Spanish companies employ half of university doctors than the European average
More than two hundred researchers and professionals from all over Spain have participated today in the III Conference of Research and Doctorate "Recognition of doctors in the labor market", organized by the UCAM, which has highlighted the need for companies Incorporate these specialists for their strategic development and not be relegated exclusively to the university world.
Researchers from universities throughout Spain have met this morning at the UCAM to present their doctoral studies and make their work relevant within the company.
"Society has to know the importance of doctors to generate a sustainable economy based on knowledge," began Estrella Núñez, vice rector of research at the UCAM, his speech to inaugurate these days that have aimed to highlight the applications of the Studies that this research profile has to increase the potential in the activity of the companies and that are not only oriented to the university.
Rosario Romera Ayllón, general secretary of the Social Council of the Carlos III University of Madrid, said during her speech that "Spain has half the rate of employment of doctors in the company than the average of the OECD countries and even the Europe of the 28 ", and that from the doctoral schools of the universities is working to reverse this situation.
He also pointed out that to implement the figure of the doctor in the business fabric is the key to the involvement of companies and the development of policies from public bodies.
At the event, chaired by Estrella Núñez, Vice Chancellor of Research of the UCAM, have also participated José Luis Bonet, president of the Chamber of Commerce of Spain;
Olga Matín Belloso, President of the Conference of Directors of Doctorate Schools and José María Albarracín, President of the Regional Confederation of Business Organizations of Murcia;
And Encarna Guirao Jara, Director of Human Resources at Hero España SA
Among the numerous workshops in which the future doctors have participated in the areas of Health Sciences, Polytechnic Sciences, Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and Social Sciences, have highlighted the possible applications and utilities of their work in the world of the company.
As a novelty, the Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia has implemented the new space entitled "My thesis in three minutes", in which some of the proposals of its International Doctoral School have been presented at that time, highlighting with a language accessible to The society what is its purpose.
Source: UCAM