The school Ana Maria Matute today hosted the presentation of the project of inclusive leisure for children with autism spectrum disorder (TEA) "Recreos Inclusivos", which develops the Astrade Chair of Autism at the University of Murcia (UMU) with funding from the Work Social "la Caixa".
The program, which is implemented in more than fifty schools in the Region of Murcia, allows children with ASD to play with their classmates at playtime.
This UMU project assumes that play is the most inclusive activity that can be performed at that age, so that it improves the well-being of children with autism and reduces the likelihood of them being bullied.
The activity is led by UMU students trained in the use of pictograms and games with children with ASD.
The presentation ceremony was attended by, among others, the Coordinator of the Chair and Services of the UMU, Francisco Bastida;
The director of the Chair of Autism, Ildefonso Méndez, and the director of the Caixabank Area in Murcia, Gerardo Cuartero.
Source: Universidad de Murcia