The councilor of the Municipal Socialist Group, Juan Vicente Larrosa, held a meeting Wednesday with the Association of Mothers and Parents of Students of CEIP Francisco Noguera of San Jose de La Vega, accompanied by the president of the Municipal Board, Lidia Almagro.
The main reason: the intention of the Ministry of Education to create a mixed classroom for students of four and five years, thus eliminating one of the lines.
"Currently, joining both classes, we would find a classroom of thirty-three students, that without the possible incorporations from September with the last collections of enrollments," explained Larrosa, who added that "this would mean that The allowable ratio would be exceeded and that, therefore, the new Councilor, Mrs. Martínez-Cachá would not fulfill her commitment of only a few days ago not to close classes and to reduce ratios. "
The mayor of the PSOE has stated that "current regulations say that from twenty-seven students classes can be split, as long as the center has room for it. That is the case of CEIP Francisco Noguera, has space and uniting those classes would overcome The ratio, so it would be logical to keep one class for the students of four years and another for the students of 5. It is not logical, in any case, to do a mixed classroom.
"In addition," stated Larrosa, no more than a dozen students are currently admitted to the San Jose de La Vega (Severo Ochoa) center, so they can be added to the still open enrollment process and further increase the number of students. Students of the mixed classroom ".
"It seems that the Ministry of Education is trying to favor concerted teaching to the detriment of the public, so we ask the Councilor to reconsider the union of these two classrooms of four and five years. Thursday, taking advantage of what will be discussed at our request and Cambiemos Murcia, an initiative so that CEIP La Naranja de Beniaján does not lose the line of three years, "added the mayor.
Finally, Larrosa reminded the Ballesta government that "it is also their duty to ensure the quality of education in our municipality" and has demanded that "ask the Ministry not to close classrooms and students."
Likewise, Larrosa has announced that the mothers and fathers of CEIP Francisco Noguera are preparing mobilizations for next Friday of not receiving a satisfactory answer on the part of the Ministry of Education.
Source: PSOE Murcia