The Holy Week begins, and as each year, the Discantus murcian choir participates in various religious acts and processions bringing the sacred music to Murcia.
This Holy Tuesday will offer a song to the collection of the Procession of Tuesday Holy, Holy Christ of the Rescue and Virgin of the Hope, in the Church of San Juan Bautista of Murcia, at 10 at night.
In addition, April 13, Discantus sings at the exit of the procession of Holy Thursday, or procession of Silence, where the streets of Murcia travel the Holy Christ of Refuge.
It will be from the church of San Lorenzo, at 10 pm.
Also this month, on April 24th, Coral Discantus was invited on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Canonical Coronation of the Virgin of the Fuensanta, by the Cathedral of Murcia, to interpret the "Mass of the Coronation" of Mozart, in version concert.
Source: Agencias