On Thursday, April 6, at 12:30 p.m., Giacinto Scoles, emeritus professor at Princeton University, will lecture at the "Hermenegildo Lumeras de Castro" auditorium of the UMU Chemistry faculty, the conference "Medicine Cellular and precision ".
The talk is part of the Seminars of Rector Orihuela.
The conference calls for a radical change in the way cancer is treated, one of the leading causes of death worldwide.
The genetic profile and the tumor microenvironment are critical.
Early detection enables a more rational treatment.
The liquid biopsy allows easy access to examine the biological tumor material and a better prognosis.
The number of tumor cells circulating in the blood is strongly correlated with the progress of cancer metastasis.
The rapporteur proposes a method to explore the abnormal behavior of cancer cells, showing that by means of techniques of analysis of individual molecules can detect up to 10 tumor cells in a medium of up to 200,000 leukocytes, which is an extraordinary power of the method.
Source: Universidad de Murcia