The Faculty of Optics and Optometry and the University Clinic of Integral Vision (CUVI), University of Murcia (UMU), will present an innovative project for people with low vision at the Visual Rehabilitation Professional Days to be developed in Barcelona next month.
This is a natural trail project in Ricote with signs specially designed for the visually impaired.
The presentation will be in charge of fourth grade student Optima and Optometry Sofía Duarte Castro and her tutor tutor, Joaquín Sánchez Onteniente, who will show the results of the work completed by the degree.
The work is part of a set of innovative initiatives of CUVI, a clinic headed by Professor Edmundo Usón.
The same has been tried on a real case, the Path of the Moriscos, in Ricote, in the section between the Mirador del Sol and Los Llanicos, with an extension of 1,520 meters.
The obtained results have allowed to extend and better the signal catalog, to design in more detail the complementary elements, like panel of instructions and table of learning.
Source: Universidad de Murcia