The Department of Urbanism, Environment and Huerta, directed by Antonio Navarro Corchón, through the Local Energy Agency of Murcia (ALEM), has participated in a day held in Valencia to propose improvements to boost self consumption and electric mobility in Spain.
During the meeting, organized by the Association of Spanish Agencies for Energy Management (EnerAgen), in collaboration with the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness of the Generalitat Valenciana, IVACE, was attended by 200 attendees, among whom were Managers and representatives of autonomous, provincial and local energy agencies and entities, numerous entrepreneurs and professionals as well as the main associations of the sector.
The City of Murcia supports self-consumption as a key element in the new energy policy of the European Union, because along with electric mobility, are the two levers that move the new energy model, more efficient, sustainable, distributed and democratic.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia