Four professors from the University of Murcia have been elected members of various Advisory Committees of the National Evaluation Commission of the Research Activity of the National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation (ANECA).
José María Martínez Selva, Professor of Psychobiology at the University of Murcia, has been appointed chair of the Advisory Committee on Social, Political, Behavioral and Educational Sciences.
The rest have been appointed members: José María Ruiz Gómez, Professor of Statistics and Operational Research, will be a member of the Committee on Mathematics and Physics;
Mateo Alajarín Cerón, Professor of Organic Chemistry, Professor of Chemistry, and Juan Guerra Montes, Professor of Botany, member of the Natural Sciences.
The National Evaluation Commission for Research Activity (CNEAI) carries out the evaluation of the research activity of university professors and staff of the scientific scales of the CSIC.
Source: Universidad de Murcia