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Call for legal research award "Antonio Reverte Navarro" (24/02/2017)

The Royal Academy of Law and Jurisprudence of the Region of Murcia has instituted a prize aimed at promoting legal research, which bears the name of who was the president of this entity and professor at the University of Murcia Antonio Reverte Navarro.

The applicants must be authors of a monographic work, original and unpublished, to look at the generic theme "Private ownership and administrative interventionism in the Autonomous Community of Murcia."

The prize, which includes the publication of the work by the Royal Academy, has a budget of 3,000 euros.

The works must be submitted to the Secretariat of the Royal Academy of Legislation and Jurisprudence (a / a of D Esperanza Orihuela, Faculty of Law, Campus de la Merced, University of Murcia, 30001) within a term that extends until the next 30 of June.

The basis of the call can be consulted on the website of the Royal Academy http://www.ralyjmurcia.es

Source: Universidad de Murcia

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