Mario Gómez: "The Labor Inspectorate has given us the reason to impose a sanction to the City after the report we presented in June on the possible covert assignment of workers in the Statistics service"
The municipal group Citizens has informed today that it will take legal action if it observes indications on the hiring and maintenance of workers, on the part of this City council, through companies adjudicated, of illegal form, a serious subject that could constitute a possible continued crime of prevarication.
The Orange training spokesman, Mario Gómez, has recorded that the Labor Inspectorate "has given us the reason, by imposing a sanction on the Consistory after the report we submitted in June on the possible covert assignment of workers Company to which the City Council has awarded the Statistics service. "
To the regrettable thing of this situation unites, -he has regretted Gómez- that neither Jose Ballesta, nor nobody of its equipment has notified us nothing on the matter;
And what is even worse - has added - that they continue without taking any corrective measure that puts an end to an alleged crime of prevarication.
Securing your clientele network
The sanction imposed on the Consistory by the Labor Inspectorate - said the orange spokesperson - demonstrates the malpractice and irregularities committed over the years by the PP.
"They have been dedicated to cover services of the City Council - which should have been carried out by public employees - by awarding friendly companies which, in turn, generated second or third jobs, while they consolidated their clientele network.
Special session and committee of inquiry
Gómez has demanded in writing from José Ballesta the minutes and the sanction imposed by the Labor Inspectorate;
And in the next few days announced that, following an agreement with the other opposition groups, "we will call for the urgent convocation of an Extraordinary Plenary to discuss, analyze and discuss, in a monographic way, the Statistics contract and many others that are Under the spotlight ".
In the said Plenary - it has concluded - we will approve the commissioning of a Commission of Inquiry on this subject to clear political responsibilities.
Source: Ciudadanos Murcia