A work on canine leishmaniasis, carried out by the researchers of the University of Murcia (UMU) José Joaquín Cerón, Silvia Martínez-Subiela and Luis Pardo, has received the prize for the best free communication presented at the Southern European Veterinary Conference (SEVC ) Of 2016.
In this work, carried out with the company Bioibérica and researchers of the Complutense universities of Madrid and Tuffs (USA), the usefulness and importance of proteins related to inflammation (called acute phase proteins) are demonstrated to evaluate if the Treatment of leishmaniasis is being performed correctly.
Canine leishmaniasis is a disease caused by the parasite Leishmania infantum that can cause severe damage in dogs, including death.
This pathology is also considered a zoonosis, since it can affect the human being.
The Conference was organized by the Association of Spanish Veterinarians Specialists in Small Animals (AVEPA) in collaboration with the North American Veterinary Community (NAVC).
Source: Universidad de Murcia