The councilors of the Socialist Municipal Group Juan Vicente Larrosa and Maite Espinosa visited today the Citizen Information and Service, located in the Plaza de los Apóstoles, to verify its operation and to remember the need to return to be a public service, on All in these moments in which it is planned to transfer it to municipal facilities, something that, according to Larrosa, would produce a situation "strange and irregular since it would be a service offered by a private company in public facilities."
Larrosa, who recognizes that the attention to the citizen currently works well and also has achieved a seal of quality, states that "it is 24 workers who have a contract in precarious, something that would not occur if they were staff of the City Council With the corresponding schedules and salaries by agreement. "
The visit to the Citizen Information and Assistance Service takes place within the framework of the request for remunicipalization of that municipal offer that has been gradually outsourced and that was presented by all the opposition groups through a motion approved in the Plenum of March.
In this regard, the socialist councilor, who recalls that "that motion has already borne fruit and within a short time the statistical service will return to be municipal," warns that "it is not a matter of filing a motion and wait for it to be met The demand that, in this particular case, moreover, has been approved in full, but we must be aware and remember from time to time that we must execute the agreement fully so that it is not forgotten. "
He adds that one of the prime objectives of the Municipal Socialist Group is to defend the public.
Therefore, it insists on the urgency of recovering the services offered by private companies, whose nature is public, although in the case of Information and Citizen Attention "no step has been taken in this sense since the Government team is not Has been concerned to create a call to incorporate specific staff for the Information Service or to design a training program in order that the staff of the City Council has the preparation required to serve citizens, specifically in languages.
Source: PSOE Murcia