The City Council of Murcia, through the Department of Urbanism, Environment and Huerta, has signed an agreement with the Columbares Association to carry out awareness actions for the recovery of the eel in the Segura river basin and irrigation networks of the Huerta de Murcia.
The agreement, which has an amount of 10,000 euros, is to give maximum dissemination to the actions carried out in the 'Anguilla Project', to recover this species and irrigation networks, through the active participation of volunteers and technicians of the Project and dissemination, awareness raising and environmental education.
This action is based on the ecological and cultural values ​​and the problematic that this species faces in its migration by the river as it passes through the irrigation network, as well as the improvement of the coordination and cooperation of the different social agents Involved in the actions on the Hydraulic Public Domain in the Segura Hydrographic Basin and the Huerta de Murcia.
Dissemination, training and sensitization activities are informative talks in educational and social centers;
Creation and development of a didactic exhibition;
Conducting participatory workshops;
And dissemination activities.
To this agreement, we add the one previously signed with the ACUDE association to guard the municipal forest estates 'La Tercia' and 'Los Santiagos', located in the vicinity of Baños and Mendigo and Cabezo de la Plata, respectively.
The objective of this agreement, which also has an amount of 10,000 euros, is to have a quality environmental management in these areas, preserving the cultural, natural, landscape values ​​and the promotion of traditional uses of the environment compatible with its conservation.
This action aims to promote an activity of public utility or social interest for the sustainable development of municipal forest farms.
The actions carried out by ACUDE are as follows:
-Vigilance on incidents in the municipal forest farms, transferring the same to the City of Murcia.
-Inventory of existing environmental goods, such as flora and fauna, and plans for the promotion of Biodiversity.
-Assessment in the Action Plans that the City of Murcia provides for public farms of a forestry nature.
-Collaboration in campaigns to promote protected areas, public property, including the conduct of educational workshops and conferences organized by the City.
-Realization of education programs and environmental disclosure of the values ​​of these characteristics of the area, in coordination with municipal programs.
-Facilitate the public use of the municipal forest farms in accordance with the natural values ​​of the area.
-To make available to the City Council, on a periodic basis, the information that is determined in order to facilitate the monitoring of activities on farms, as well as to obtain a model applicable to other areas of the municipality.
At present, in the municipality of Murcia there are 23,973 hectares of protected areas, of which 2,000 hectares are municipal property.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia