The Assembly Hall of the Catholic University of Murcia this morning hosted a conference on the situation of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, given by members of the NGO CESAL, under the title #RefugiadosMigrantes.
José Fernández Crespo, coordinator of campaigns and communication of CESAL, commented that this conference aims "that society, in this case students, be aware of the situation that refugees are experiencing, but also that they know that people do not have Because to leave their countries by obligation, but of a free form ".
With the campaign #RefugiadosMigrantes, CESAL intends that "society be aware that there is no difference between refugee and migrant, as both leave their country bound, some for poverty, others for war and others for violence. Cooperative NGOs that where there is truly development is where people live freely, where they are able to work, educate themselves, meet their most basic needs, always in a free way, without pressure from the state, armies or different circumstances " , Explained José Fernández.
Flavia Chevallard, a representative of CESAL in Lebanon, commented that "we began to support the situation in this country last year through a campaign to help refugees, especially focusing on settlements in the south of the country" .
Speaking about the role of representatives in different countries, Flavia explained that in Lebanon "there are many needs, we support the basic activities of refugees coming from informal settlements, and on the other hand, this year We are promoting the work in education because it is important that all Syrian children get access to education as the refugee situation in Lebanon is getting longer and we want to normalize the situation for these children a little bit. "
In the case of this aid worker, he tells us that "I arrived in the affected area in September to support, we used to help in a more indirect way other local associations in Lebanon and now we work together. I had never had previous experience of traveling to countries In these conditions, and of course there is cause for concern, because we are very close to Syria. It is true that Lebanon is not a zone of conflict, although it is a tense area, but it is a country with internal stability, where I am not afraid to be there, there are risks but it is a relatively normal situation, so many associations work in Lebanon to support. "
The main concerns of the people who are there are those explained by Flavia, "on the one hand, the basic survival of needs, since many of them live in debt because they have been without jobs and without access to means. They talk about wanting to seek asylum and that they would like to go to Canada or Australia because they are countries where they perceive that they can welcome them for what they have seen these months.There is also a part of these people who are aware of what is happening in Syria, Who want to return, especially when they are so close in Lebanon. "
As for the legal situation of these people in Lebanon, the representative in the country has explained that the situation is very complicated "in Lebanon they do not have the guarantees and rights they can have in another country.There refugees can regularize their situation, But many of them do not do it because of an economic issue, because it has a cost or because of issues of roles and regulation, for these people the situation is even more complicated, because there are many legal problems to register births or marriages. This, live with the fear that they can stop them ".
CESAL is a Spanish non-governmental organization of international generalist cooperation, which attends to any need of people, from the most basic such as food to health or education with projects of habitability, water and sanitation, productive development, microenterprise and training for the Employment and strengthening of civil society, among others.
CESAL emerges almost 30 years ago in Latin America, whereby its greater presence is there, to respond to the needs of many communities.
They currently work in 14 countries in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East such as Syria and Lebanon.
Source: UCAM