The documentary "Pedro Cano: Cuadernos viaje", produced by Televisión Universitaria TvUM in collaboration with the Innovation Unit of the University of Murcia and directed by Alfonso de Burgos Risco, will be presented on Thursday December 15 at the Regional Film Library Francisco Rabal de Murcia .
The event will begin at 7 pm and will be attended by the Rector of the University of Murcia, José Orihuela and the artist Pedro Cano, the protagonist of the documentary, as well as the members of the technical team of the film.
At the end of your screening there will be a cinema forum.
The documentary, made on a project of teachers Carmen Castillo and Alfredo Cuervo Pando, has so far won nine awards in the United States, the last three, awarded last weekend by the International Film Festival Independent Awards in Hollywood ( Hollywood International Independent Documentary Awards-HIIDA): Winner as a Foreign Feature, Winner in Original Script / Idea (Writing) to Carmen Castillo and Alfredo Cuervo for the design and design of the documentary project, and Winner in the Editing / To Alfonso Burgos, by the assembly to visual and narrative level.
Alfonso Burgos, director of the documentary, has also received the recognition of "Emerging Artist Award" at the FilmMakers Global Trailer Festival (USA), competing with commercial productions from around the world.
The initiative of the University of Murcia has been able to recognize even more internationally the figure of the artist of the Region, Doctor Honoris Causa by the UMU, Pedro Cano, with a project of collaboration between units of this institution (Innovation Unit And TvUM) led by teachers of the same.
The University of Murcia is the only Spanish public university that produces documentaries with international impact, as happened with "The memory of the hands".
It is also a project developed by and for students in which its promoters, Carmen Castillo and Alfredo Cuervo, have tried to focus on experimentation and student-teacher interaction.
Criticism has dedicated to the documentary phrases like the following ones:
"Pedro Cano's lecture on art is comparable to Michel Foucault's or Derrida's lectures on postmodern philosophy."
"Not only the tenderness of his approach to teaching, but also the efforts of director Alfonso Burgos make these notebooks a cinematic experience that no art lover should miss."
Source: Universidad de Murcia