The graduates of the University of Murcia (UMU) are satisfied of their passage through this educational institution, to the point that 90.3% of them would return to study in the same, positively valuing different aspects as the subjects of external practices Or the acquisition and development of skills.
This is one of the data that are collected in the study of labor insertion of UMU graduates in promotions 2011/12 and 2012/13, a report that has been presented today in Convalescence by the rector of the institution, José Orihuela.
In this study, carried out by the Guidance and Employment Service (COIE) of the University and sponsored by Banco Santander, the 1,876 graduates surveyed gave an average of 3.8 (on a scale of 1-5) to their degree of satisfaction with The degree obtained in the UMU.
Among the graduates in the area of ​​Health Sciences, the average reaches 4%.
The report also shows that most of the graduates of the UMU, 70%, choose the career, mainly for vocational reasons, especially among those who take a degree in the area of ​​Art and Humanities, where the vocation Reaches 91.8%.
The graduates also recognize the great usefulness of the programs of external practices and of mobility for their labor insertion, although there is an agreement among them in the consideration that the University should pay more attention to the professional approach of the studies.
Graduates who, to a greater extent, believe that their studies have facilitated their professional development, belong to Engineering and Health Sciences degrees.
In terms of access to the first job, most of the graduates of the University of Murcia joined the labor market, mostly in private enterprise, once they finished their studies and took an average of 9.5 months to find work, for Which decreases, with respect to previous reports, the time necessary to insert in the one.
In this sense, the great proportion of graduates of the Engineering area that entered the market before the end of the career, 39% stands out.
However, there is an increase in the proportion of those who have not yet joined the labor market, although this is partly explained by the expansion of the training stage, a situation most common among Science, Art and Humanities graduates.
Regarding the adequacy of the first job to training, respondents claim to have a professional category according to their level of education, but this proportion decreases with respect to previous promotions.
The most positive result is among the graduates of Health Sciences and Engineering, being much lower in the rest of areas.
Finally, the survey reflects an improvement in working conditions, both in terms of recruitment, as well as in the salary and adjustment of employment.
Despite this, part-time work and low levels of pay continue to play a significant role, a trend that was already staggering in previous studies.
In the presentation of the study of the COIE, the commercial director of Murcia of Banco Santander, Raúl Bastida, spoke about the "quality" of the report, and the director general of Universities and Research of the Region, Juan Monzó, who has Defined as "an act of transparency and accountability" by UMU.
For her part, Francisca Tomás, Vice Chancellor of Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Employment, said that the study - "very rigorous, with a well-worked scientific methodology" - is a result of the responsibility assumed by the University with students in the follow-up of The labor insertion.
As a closing, rector Orihuela has pointed out that for the University of Murcia is a challenge the insertion of its graduates in a labor market so convulsive, so this study is a fundamental tool for decision making and the orientation of actions that favor The development of new cognitive abilities and thus favor the adaptability of the graduates to the new scenario.
Source: Universidad de Murcia