The Municipal Socialist Group in the City of Murcia has submitted a motion for the next plenary session that will require an exhaustive report on the burials made in zone D of the Nuestro Padre Jesús cemetery and that the rehabilitation and improvement of the site is planned.
In the graveyard Nuestro Padre Jesús de Murcia there is an area called "D" in which the buried lack individual or collective identification data since at the time they were understood as dissidents by the established powers.
In this space were buried the shot in the Civil War, Protestants, Baha'is, Jehovah's Witnesses and other collectives.
José Ignacio Gras, spokesman for the PSOE in Murcia, has stated that "it is of justice to restore dignity to these people and their descendants so that in the plenary session next Thursday November 24 we will present a motion on the matter."
"Specifically, what we will ask in this motion is to urge the Government team of Ballesta to elaborate an exhaustive report on the burials made in zone D of Our Father Jesus Cemetery. That is, to know since when the remains are there, to what Collectives correspond, how many are, etc., and to collect as much data as necessary to have accurate knowledge of the mentioned individual and collective burials, "said Gras.
In this sense, José Ignacio Gras continued: "We know that in the cemetery files there is enough documentation and information to know who the dissidents were and since when they are buried in the place mentioned."
Also, at the present time, this place of the cemetery of Our Father of Jesus, in which Murcia and Murcia lie, shows a desolate aspect, abandonment and forgetfulness that do not deserve the buried, their descendants nor the citizenship.
"For this reason the intention of this motion is also the elaboration of a plan of rehabilitation and improvement of the place and that graphically and conveniently incorporate the signs and stories that describe and return to the collective memory and the necessary honor to the buried "Concluded the socialist councilor.
Source: PSOE Murcia