This Saturday, November 19, the Intensive Course of economic management of non-profit associations, promoted by the Cepaim Foundation, was held in the Center of Art and Community Action "La Estación de Beniaján" within its line of support and follow- Associative tissue.
The course, given by Ángel Alonso, an economist with expertise in Legal, Economic and Fiscal Counseling, started at 10 am and ended at 2 pm;
Four hours during which representatives of associations and groups have learned from an expert practical aspects of the economic management of their associations, from fundamental concepts of constitution, to the management of subsidies, through tax, labor and accounting obligations.
The participating group has been very active and eager to continue learning.
The majority of doubts and queries to the trainer have had to do with the managements to realize with the public administrations;
Doubts that Angel Alonso has resolved as they appeared.
All and all have shown their satisfaction with what they have learned and have shown interest in continuing to deepen this type of training.
A total of ten associations have been represented this morning in La Estación de Beniaján, with the largest number of neighborhood associations.
Associations and groups that have attended:
Association of Neighbors of Beniaján
Youth Association Cordillera Sur Murcia
Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Districts and Pedanias of Murcia
Association of Residents of San José de la Vega
Neighborhood Association of Bruges
Casillas moves
Asociación Aires de Colombia
Association of Ukrainians of the Region of Murcia
Source: Agencias