The Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Murcia today hosted the inauguration of a mural designed as a tribute to the center, which in 2015 celebrated its 75th anniversary, and graffiti, both artistic creations that have been made by students of this educational institution.
During the ceremony, which was chaired by the rector, José Orihuela, and part of the program of the Second Week of the Faculty, has been discovered graffiti with motifs related to chemistry and has been made by Roxana Cánovas Martinez, Student of fourth year of Chemical Engineering of this same center.
Also the inauguration of a mural by Ana Ruiz Abellón and Sara Castellón López, students of the Faculty of Fine Arts that won the contest summoned for that purpose and that have received the 2,000 euros that constituted the economic endowment of the prize .
About this work, a video has been produced that gathers its creative process and has received comments from Professor Ignacio López Moreno, who coordinated its implementation, and the dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, Pedro Lozano.
During these activities we also proceeded to discover a portrait of the dean of the center in the year 2014, Carmen López Erroz, the work of the painter José Mayor, and to visit the new facilities built for the safe storage of flammable and dangerous substances.
In the words with which the event has closed, the rector has referred to the role that youth should play, and has commented that it is young people who are called to indicate where society should walk in the future.
Professor Orihuela has taken the opportunity to reiterate that the portrait of him that will be incorporated into the gallery of rectors when he ceases in this position will be realized by students of this University.
These events were also attended, among others, the Vice Chancellor of Research, Antonio Juan García, and the Economics, Infrastructures and Health Sciences, José María Abellán.
Until next Friday, the Faculty of Chemistry hosts an intense program of conferences, informative workshops, exhibitions and musical performances.
Source: Universidad de Murcia. Fotos: Luis Urbina