In the coming days it will launch a broad process of -consensuado participation by all members of the Commission through surveys, mailboxes and meetings to publicize the draft Ordinance on Transparency, Access to Information, Reuse Facts and Good Governance.
Jose Guillen: "We want this new regulation will become a direct, simple, accessible and convenient way for all Murcia involved in making decisions that affect them."
Listen to the voice of citizens, their opinions and suggestions, it is a preliminary step that the city of Murcia has been imposed met before making decisions of any level.
In the case of the Ordinance on Transparency, Access to Information, Data Reuse and Good Governance, this participatory process will be wider, both established intervention pathways and open to submit contributions to improve the regulatory deadline.
This was agreed yesterday by the Commission for Transparency and Participation which met last Thursday convened by Councilman Administration Modernization, Urban Quality and Participation, Jose Guillen.
The draft ordinance, agreed by all municipal groups present in the commission, has already been presented to the Board of Spokesmen, and now begins a process of participation to all residents and groups to gather their contributions.
Guillen said that "we have spent many months working to define a policy that can become the most direct, simple, accessible and convenient way for all Murcia involved in making decisions that affect them in their day to day."
The ordinance will be the "cornerstone on which will turn the relationship between citizens and the City Council on all matters relating to local government," said Guillen, who recalls that "if we want murcianos participation and involvement in the construction of Murcia it is essential to ensure adequate channels for them to do. "
This tool will be the new Transparency Ordinance.
In principle, they have proposed two channels for the proposals.
On the one hand, the Commission for Transparency and Participation keep working meetings to publicize the regulatory text to experts on transparency: Transparency Council of the Region of Murcia, public schools, universities, groups and civic and professional associations.
It will also be submitted to the analysis of the Social Council to directly collect their input and a conference will be organized with the presidents of the municipal boards.
Training courses are also conducted to City officials.
Survey, mailbox and TuMurcia
The participatory process will continue with a phase of publication of the ordinance and surveys.
It also published the text on the website of the City, a graphical summary will be made to facilitate understanding and analysis and point of simple and accessible means what benefits and rights.
This route will also include the opening of a mailbox contributions on the municipal website and sharing a questionnaire TuMurcia.
Upon completion of this period of participation, the Commission for Transparency and Participation analyze all contributions collected for inclusion.
Upon approval and opinion from the Board of Governors, the Commission plenary and plenary, even one second participation process will begin with the opening of public exhibition period of 30 days, in which any resident or group may submit allegations that will be technical report.
This will give way to the final approval to be agreed by the plenary of the Corporation.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia